Kesatuan kakitangan Am Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Ahad, 1 Mei 2016


Berita UKM
Oleh Vinoothene Chandrasekaran
Foto Izwan Azman dan Mohd Noor Ramly

BANGI, 1 Mei 2016 – Kakitangan Am di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) perlu menjalankan tugas-tugas mereka sebaik mungkin, kata Presiden Kesatuan Kakitangan Am UKM (KESUKMA) Abdul Rahman Hj Mohd Nordin.
Walaupun mereka mempunyai hak-hak mereka sebagai pekerja, Abdul Rahman mengakui bahawa mereka juga mempunyai tanggungjawab kepada pihak pengurusan.
“Saya mengharapkan supaya penjawat awam terutamanya pekerja UKM menjalakan kerja dengan produktif bagi menjayakan kerajaan ke arah pembangunan negara yang maju,” katanya dalam satu temu bual dengan Portal Berita UKM sempena Hari Pekerja hari ini.
Pada masa yang sama, beliau berjanji untuk melaksanaakan tanggungjawab sebagai kakitangan UKM dan melindungi hak-hak pekerja, sama ada di universiti atau di sektor awam yang lain.
Abdul Rahman, yang juga Timbalan Setiausaha Agung II Kongres Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Di Dalam Perkhimatan Awam (CUEPACS), berkata ramai penjawat am bergantung kepada beliau untuk mengemukakan kepentingan mereka.

Beliau menjelaskan bahawa dalam usaha untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak mereka, tidak ada orang lain yang berani kerana mereka takut dipecat.
“Sekarang, masalah seperti kenaikan pangkat telah diselesaikan,” katanya.
Beliau menyatakan bahawa beliau bertanggungjawab memastikan layanan adil untuk pekerja, terutama mengenai merangka dasar elaun pekerja, gaji dan skim perkhidmatan.
Berkhidmat untuk UKM selama 20 tahun sebagai Penolong Jurutera Mekanikal bawah Jabatan Pengurusan dan Pembangunan, beliau percaya bijak menguruskan masa adalah kunci menjadi pemimpin kesatuan sekerja yang baik.
Rahman selang bertugas pada malam dan siang menjaga logi penyejuk , manakala pada waktu petang lebih tertumpu kepada hal-ehwal KESUKMA dan CUEPACS.


UKM News
By Vinoothene Chandrasekaran Pix Izwan Azman and Mohd Noor Ramly

BANGI, 1st May 2016 – General staff at The National University of Malaysia (UKM) should carry out their tasks to the best of their abilities, says the president of the Union for General Staff of UKM (KESUKMA) Abdul Rahman Hj Mohd Nordin.
While they have their rights, Abdul Rahman acknowledges that workers also have their responsibilities to the management.
“I hope that government sector employees especially in UKM will do their jobs with full productiveness to ensure the government can be successful in making the country achieve a developed status,” he said in an interview with the UKM News Portal in conjunction with Labour Day today.
At the same time, he pledged to carry out his responsibilities as a UKM staff and protect the rights of workers, whether at the university or in other public sectors.

Abdul Rahman, who is also the Deputy Secretaries General II for Congress for Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services Malaysia (CUEPACS), said a lot of workers rely on him to protect their interests.
He explained that in fighting for the rights of employees, no one else dares to because they are afraid of being fired.
“Now, problems such as promotions have been solved,” he said.
He stated that he is responsible for fair treatment of employees, especially when it’s about drafting policies on workers allowances, salaries and scheme of services.
Serving for UKM for 20 years as an Assistant Mechanical Engineer under the Department of Management and Development, he believes the key to being a good union leader is being able to manage time.
He works alternate nights and mornings looking after the cooling plants, while in the afternoons he is more focused on matters of KESUKMA and CUEPACS.